Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Mo's first gig

St Valentine's day...great.Surely St. Valentine's ought to be exclusively for the single people inthe world? Every year I lament the fact that my better half is a firm and steadybeliever in this bullshit day and as ever, I do my best to make the dayas "romantic" as possible despite my misgivings, but as the years go onI find it harder to find the enthusiasm. "Every days is like Valentine'sday" I've stated on many, many occasions to little or usually no avail.

My folks got married on Valentines day, and since their unpleasantseparation and divorce a few years back, the day seems that little bitmore hollow than it used to be. As my mother tearfully reminded me lastnight, they would have been married 31 years. So I saw Plan B last night. It was better than I thought it would be.It was just Eve and I in attendance as Lisa, bless her, had too muchwork to do. Sadly, Killa Kela was a no show- ill apparently, so we hadto make do with a not very good honkey rap outfit.

I did however bump into Mo from the rehearsal rooms and chatted for awhile on the unique forms of hip hop drumming and his love thereof. Hesheepisly admitted that this was his first ever gig! I wasflabbergasted, as I know he's played the venue several times before. He explained that he's been to see a multitude of local bands, most ofwhich he knew, but had never been a 'proper' punter. I felt happy forhim especially as he told me of his admiration for Plan B. Knowing he aspires to be a professional musician I found it a bit oddthough, especially as he's 20. I hope he enjoyed it. Anyway, Lisa and I are planning something low key (hopefully so low keyit's barely noticeable) and she just wants to relax and watch The BritsAwards! As I have a unbridled hatred of this crap back slapping awardceremony it'll be interesting to see how long I go on watching itwithout a barrgae of swearwords aimed at the Gallaghers and the otherindustry nit wits and ruining the ambience. I'm going to have to tryreal hard. Hopefully my gastronomic pursuits may perhaps act as an's hoping.

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